With us you will become a new stage of financial independence

Stockli Finance has crossed many incredible milestones since the year 2021, with many more to come. It is the fastest growing and most promising platform you can ever think. You're about to become a part of this exciting journey today, TAKE THE LEAD.

Terms of Agreement

This Agreement is made between Investment consulting company «Stockli Finance» (hereinafter the "Company") and an individual (hereinafter the "Investor").

This Agreement governs the provision of services by the Company to the Investor.
This Agreement should be carefully and thoroughly studied by Investors, because it determines the conditions under which the Investor makes a certain investment activities.
Users of the Internet become a party to the Agreement (the Investor) after account opening procedure on online resource of the Company and confirm the acceptance of this Agreement.
Only adult citizens (in accordance with the legislation of the country of residence) may use the services of the Company, but in any event not less than 18 years.
Registering on our site, as well as the opening of the deposit indicates acceptance by Investor of all terms and conditions of this Agreement. The Investor agrees to the rules of this Agreement and is aware of his/her obligations to the Company.
If the Investor violates any article of this Agreement, the Company will not be liable to the Investor and disclaims all liability.
The Company reserves the right to change this Agreement at any time without prior notification of the Investor.
The Investor agrees not to use the Company's services for illegal purposes and income, contrary to the laws of the country of residence, and international law.
The Investor agrees not to post negative comments about Company in the media, including any public Internet resources, before all the circumstances of a problem will be clarified.
Under the terms of this Agreement, the Company agrees to provide Investor with services for investment funds management, and advice on key issues of online investing.
All data provided by the Investor, will be used exclusively for private and cannot be subject to disclosure to third parties. The Company is not responsible for data loss.
The Investor agrees to use the available means of protection of their personal data in order to avoid becoming a victim of malicious acts of third parties.
The Company is not responsible for hacking the Investor account through the fault of fraud.
It is forbidden to use borrowed funds and/or any other, do not belong to the Investor personally funds for investment.
To create a deposit Investor can choose only one type of e-currency.
To withdraw funds Investor is obliged to provide the Company with accurate billing information.
The Company is not responsible for the mistakes made by the Investor in completing the payment details.
The Company is not responsible for any malfunction input and output means, which may arise through the fault of payment systems.
Spam is prohibited. Company strictly prohibits the use of spam in any form. Investors Accounts found to be using spam messages will be blocked.
The Investor agrees that all transactions on the Company's website are made at his/her own risk. Investor is aware that past performance does not guarantee similar performance in the future; as a result, the Investor voluntarily transfers the funds to the use (management) of the Company and agrees that Company will manage these funds at its own discretion, without discussing the appropriateness of its actions.
The Company is not liable for any damages of any sort incurred by the Investor as a result of use of the Company's website.
The company has the right to suspend the fulfillment of obligations to Investor if the Company's operations affected by force majeure factors. If such factors occur, the Company warns of suspension of its operations on the site.
This Agreement remains valid after any changes or additions by the Company.